Every now and then there are some small changes done to some of our campuses, and the most recent one is that we are getting some new furniture and decorations set up at Kuula!

The new furniture & decorations have been set up by our lovely Mousie (mouseplay resident) and so far people are really enjoying the updated new look and think they are a great improvement to the overall look and feel of Kuula.

We hope that everyone enjoys the new changes, and be sure to thank Mousie for all her hard work putting everything together and setting it up. It really does make things feel a lot more personal and cozy than the old set up, and to be honest I really want to curl up on one of those sofa’s with a little blanket and have a cat nap (unless Jeff beats me to it, at least!).

Remember to keep checking by to see any new changes that might be happening at our campuses, you never know what things we might secretly add while you aren’t looking!
NCI’s Campuses: